PRACTICAL Virus/SPAM content filters
- Cloudmark Authority Milter High performance spam, phishing, and malware protection for your Postfix installation.
- Kaspersky Linux Mail Security system.
- amavisd-new utility, a high-performance interface between MTA and virus/SPAM scanners.
- Dr.Web anti-virus & anti-spam for Telecoms and businesses with heavy mail traffic; available as solution and SDK.
- ClamSMTP content filter based on the ClamAV anti-virus software.
- spampd spam filtering, transparent SMTP/LMTP proxy using SpamAssassin, in Perl by Maxim Paperno.
- mailscanner system, works with Postfix and other MTAs. WARNING: This software uses unsupported methods to manipulate Postfix queue files directly. This will result in corruption or loss of mail. The mailscanner authors have sofar refused to discuss a proper access API or protocol.
- RBL analysis tools by Craig Sanders.